Sweet Potato Toast with ‘Cheesy’ Beans
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Preparation Time : 5 mins

Cooking Time : upto 5 mins

Serves : 3-4


    1 medium sweet potato
    1 x 400g/14oz can of baked beans
    2 medium tomatoes
    8 white mushrooms
    3 tbsp. nutritional yeast
    1 tsp. coconut oil
    1 tsp. black pepper
    Fresh coriander to garnish.

  1. Place the baked beans in a saucepan and cook over a medium heat for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Heat the coconut oil in a frying pan, slice the tomatoes and mushrooms, then fry until softened.
  3. Slice the sweet potato and toast in the toaster or under the grill until cooked through.
  4. When the sweet potato is ready, plate up and serve with the beans, tomato, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, black pepper and coriander on top.